[:en]Historical Background
The Dutch government, residing in the city of The Hague, issued legislation governing all Dutch territories. So-doing, the city was both the venue for the protracted abolition of slavery on Dutch territory debate as well as the city of vacillation. Does an enslaved on Dutch territory enjoy the same legal rights as a Dutchman? Was a union between an emancipated black woman and a plantation owner legally binding? The parliament of the Netherlands regularly had to come up with answers to questions such as these. A case in point being the marriage of Elizabeth Samson (see map Den Haag).

The Hague also is the city where the legacy of the slavery past is openly discussed. The controversy surrounding the construction of the Mauritshuis compelled the museum to react openly. And: will a minister ever offer public apologies for this chapter of our history?

The capital city is to unveil a monument to slavery in the near future. Campaigners for the monument have already underlined the fact that the monument is to be not only one for the descendants, but also to the many indentured laborers who were often lured by empty promises into migrating from China, India and Indonesia,to Surinam in order to replenish the lack of manpower left on the plantations in the wake of the abolition of slavery in 1863.

[:id]Historical Background
The Dutch government, residing in the city of The Hague, issued legislation governing all Dutch territories. So-doing, the city was both the venue for the protracted abolition of slavery on Dutch territory debate as well as the city of vacillation. Does an enslaved on Dutch territory enjoy the same legal rights as a Dutchman? Was a union between an emancipated black woman and a plantation owner legally binding? The parliament of the Netherlands regularly had to come up with answers to questions such as these. A case in point being the marriage of Elizabeth Samson (see map Den Haag).

The Hague also is the city where the legacy of the slavery past is openly discussed. The controversy surrounding the construction of the Mauritshuis compelled the museum to react openly. And: will a minister ever offer public apologies for this chapter of our history?

The capital city is to unveil a monument to slavery in the near future. Campaigners for the monument have already underlined the fact that the monument is to be not only one for the descendants, but also to the many indentured laborers who were often lured by empty promises into migrating from China, India and Indonesia,to Surinam in order to replenish the lack of manpower left on the plantations in the wake of the abolition of slavery in 1863.

[:nl]Historische Achtergrond
Vanuit Den Haag werden wetten bepaald die voor alle Nederlandse gebieden golden. De stad was hiermee de plaats waar de trage afschaffing van slavernij op Nederlandse gebieden werd besproken, maar ook de stad van twijfel. Had een een totslaafgemaakte in Nederland dezelfde juridische positie? Was een huwelijk tussen een vrijgemaakte zwarte vrouw en een plantage-eigenaar rechtsgeldig? De Staten-Generaal moest geregeld voor zulke vraagstukken antwoorden bedenken. Bijvoorbeeld bij het huwelijk van Elisabeth Samson (zie kaart Den Haag).

Den Haag is ook de stad waar de erfenis van het slavernijverleden steeds openlijk besproken wordt. De discussie rondom de bouw van het Mauritshuis dwong het museum tot een reactie. En: zal een minister ooit excuses geven voor dit onderdeel van de geschiedenis?

De hofstad werkt toe naar de installatie van een slavernijmonument. Initiatiefnemers voor het monument hebben al benadrukt dat het monument niet enkel zal zijn voor de nazaten, maar ook voor de contractarbeiders die vaak met valse beloftes werden overgehaald om te migreren van China, India en Indonesië naar Suriname om het arbeidsverlies op de plantages, na de afschaffing van slavernij in 1863, op te vangen.


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